Čipky zo Senohradu (Hont)
Slovak republic

Some names or terms have been left in the Slovak language because it is not possible to translate them or their translation would cause a loss of meaning. These are mainly the names of towns and villages, but also types of lace and tools used for bobbin lace making. Some were used in the past and their current name does not exist.
If you want to know more about the term, simply copy and paste it into your favorite browser. Unfortunately, some expressions are so unique, that you can only find them in specialized books about lace making.
the surroundings of Krupina, Lučenec, Modrý Kameň - Bzovík, Litava, Senohrad, Lackov
hemp, flax, cotton
white, later basic yellow + color according to the village and age or marital status of the woman
jedno a dvojpárový pletenec, plátno, dierková väzba, oká, pavúčiky, lístky/ploštičky, farebná niť - zmena farebnosti lístkov sa dosiahla jednou niťou, ktorá vypletala lístok a šla po povrchu čipky.
- pillow: „bambúr“,“bambúľ“, „batoh“
- bobbins: „kneple“, „kleple“
- pins: „gombašky“
"racky" - narrow 1-2 cm lace from 9-15 pairs of threads to the edge of the cap
„krivý Adam“, „uško na 4 gombašky“, „veľké koliesko“, „veľká/malá krivina“, „veľký grajzlík“, „ručička“...