About lace
informations, terms, tools...

Some names or terms have been left in the Slovak language because it is not possible to translate them or their translation would cause a loss of meaning. These are mainly the names of towns and villages, but also types of lace and tools used for bobbin lace making. Some were used in the past and their current name does not exist.
If you want to know more about the term, simply copy and paste it into your favorite browser. Unfortunately, some expressions are so unique, that you can only find them in specialized books about lace making.

Senohradská čipka
Lace from surroundings of Krupina, Lučenac, Modrý Kameň - Bzovík, Litava, Senohrad, Lackov

Krajnianska čipka
The surroundings of the Myjava, Turá Lúka, Bukovec, Krajné, Priepastné, Brezová pod Bradlom, Stverník, Zelenice, Pastuchov, Nové Sady (Nitra), Košariská. Around year 1880, two lacemakers came to Brezová pod Bradlom from Vamberk and taught the women how to make lace; even before that, lille lace was put on local costumes.

Čipka zo Španej Doliny
Lace making in Špania Dolina, sold by pedlars throughout Hungary - Banát, Slavonia, Croatia, Sáthmar, Transylvania. They were worn in regions from Žilina, Brezno, Detva to Bardejov.

Hlbocká čipka
Region of Hlboké, Rohov, Koválov. At the end of 19-th century also Myjava, Čáčov, Senica, Brezová

Jelšovská čipka
Regional type of Hontian lace from surroundings of Nitra, looks like lace from Šoporňa. Region of Jelšovce, Jelenec, Mechenice, Žirany, Bádice.

Liptovská čipka
Region of Ľubel, Konská, Sielnica, Ivachnová, Hubová, Svošov, Stankovany, Lúčky, Sliače, Pribilina,Žiar ...

Spišská zákrutková čipka
Region of Spiš, Gemer, Liptov, west of Slovakia ( Žilina, Nit. Pravno), "čepce": Lendak, okres St. Ľubovňa, povodie Torysy, Gelnica, Žakarovce, the surroundings of Košice...

Krakovanská (piešťanská ) čipka na tylovej sieti
Region of Bašovce, Krakovany, Piešťany, Pobedim, Vrbové, Podolie (Trenčín)